in two weeks i am going to montreal and there is a lot to get done. of course, there are all the odds and ends that i need to gather which i wont bother you with here in this space, because who really needs to know about what toiletries i still need to buy and what shoes i'm struggling over taking or not? but besides all those necessary details, there are also really important things to get done.
for one, there are 10 more posts to go until 100! remember i promised you a 100th post giveaway? i'm not quite sure when that will land in relation to my trip, but i hope everything will line up. my goal is to start the contest before i leave in hopes that winners will understand that their surprise will come when i get back. we'll see...
if you are looking for a great giveaway right this second go here.
another important thing to get done is the summer photo trade. i am so excited about this project, created by jen of nectar & light. since i've joined this online community of blogging i've been waiting and hoping for a fun photo sharing/trading opportunity. i hope that this is the first in many projects that i can participate in. but i also have to shoot some great summer photos and print them and send them before i leave in two weeks.
lastly on my exciting photo-related to-do list, tifanie and i have a fun little film trade we are doing that i can't wait to share with everyone. we are each shooting a roll of 35mm film, rewinding it with a little tail hanging out, sending it to the other to shoot over, and then developing. neat, huh?
well, thanks for letting me sort out my to-do list with you. do you have any exciting creative prospects going on?