09 July 2010


fridays are for relaxing, good friends, good drinks, good food and good laughs. a couple fridays back, six of my favorite people trekked down to south seattle and filled a table full of amazing mexican food at huarachitos. have you ever had huaraches? they are homemade corn patties, with delicious vegetables on top. the deck of haurachitos was so colorful, with it's multi-colored umbrellas and vibrant plates. this friday i am meeting a special new friend for drinks and a photos walk. then i'm off on a mini trip to visit another friend. hopefully i will get a little reprise from this heat wave we are having. (90 degrees in seattle?!) it should all be very fun and relaxing.

hoping the same for you this weekend.


  1. the colors are fantastic!
    and, now, i'm a little hungry.

  2. Yes - I love all of these things about Friday. I hope you stay cool and enjoy your weekend! xo

  3. oh yum - we have nothing like this in brisbane...you paint a beautiful picture of seattle to me!!

  4. Oh my gosh these look so good! And the atmosphere looks wonderful too!! I'll have to trek down there soon : )

  5. I couldn't agree more; Fridays are pretty great :-)

  6. these are dynamite.


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