21 March 2010

signs of spring

spring is here in full force! this weekend was an unreliable mixture of sunny and drizzly and windy and warm. it seems that the whole city is about to bloom. people are excited, happy, smiling, and friendly in a way that only spring in seattle can generate. i feel a wave of optimism coming over me and i am ready to embrace it. spring always gives me the sense of new beginnings and recreations. this spring, i am hoping for more challenging creative endeavors, new friendships and a revitalization of older ones, plenty of time wandering around noticing new flowers and smelling the air, to add some gluten-free baked goods to my recipe repertoire, iced coffees, and time for myself.

here's to refreshing our day to day lives!


  1. and a bunch of new cafe photos;)
    très belle photo: la beauté qui émerge de la rocaille.

  2. happy day to you.
    me, myself I am still drinking hot coffee... but, I look forward to iced ones soon.

  3. What a nice post! As I read it I'm sitting in the sun listening to good music and I feel even more excited about Spring.

  4. Beautiful blooms! It's so welcomed to have Spring. Yay! I liked your thoughts.

  5. Happy Spring day to you! I love all the blooms of spring. Thanks by the way for starting the wonderful cafe group on flickr. I love your photos!

  6. What lovely thoughts on such a wonderful time of year.

  7. spring is so refreshing. enjoy it all.

  8. i have
    it's quite
    the spring
    in seattle...
    i am impatient
    over here.
    do i owe
    you an email?


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