27 January 2010

i pledge to read the printed word

have you noticed the cute little sidebar button i added? it says 'i pledge to read the printed word.' read the printed word is a project from cevd of pretty pretty paper and eb of eastside bride.

i love the look of their little drawings and typewriter typeface. i love the message even more. i'm all for reveling in the tactileness of paper and printed matter. that is one of the reasons i started my photo shop. while it is amazing how much can be conveyed over the internet, i don't think anything can compare to having a piece of paper in your hand: seeing a film negative transformed into a positive image on heavy photographic paper, or opening a book that has been well loved and feeling the pages turn beneath your fingers.

what a great project!


  1. It is an interesting idea; something I've been thinking about as I've been sorting through shelves and deciding how to manage all the books I'm done with. I pass on many to friends, donate some...yet it is not the best thing for the environment to have all this extra paper printed, or the best thing for my house, to have clutter. I'm thinking about getting a kindle to read books that I know I won't want to keep or re-read, and choose what I'll buy in print more carefully.

  2. you know, a book exchange might be a good idea...

  3. thank you for your comment, lecia. i think we all have to choose what is important to us because, when it comes down to it, so much of what we do is harmful to the environment (including the copious energy that the internet burns through). for me, buying more used books is a natural solution to cut down on new book consumption, while at the same time ensuring that the beauty of the book never dies.

    cevd--YES! let's organize.

  4. nothing compares to the feeling of an actual book...
    for book swapping- have you tried paperbackswap.com? it's great!

  5. I was asked recently if I minded that my boyfriend's 18 yr old sister was reading instead of being social and talking to us.
    My reply, "I'm a teacher, I LOVE that she's reading".

    Book stores are my favourite places and every year one of my resolutions is to read more books. I just wish I could read them quicker!

  6. I don't think I could ever give up books. It's difficult for me to define, but reading a book is so incredibly different from reading online. The San Francisco Public Library is a good friend of mine.

  7. I very much like this idea. I will grab the button too.

    I love the library - most of my fiction reading is done via the library.

  8. I like that button. It's simle and sweet. Have you heard of BookMooch. You send your books and receive other peoples. Sort of a book exchange but all over the country. Their website is easy and pretty sweet. Check it out. http://bookmooch.com/

  9. i agree wholeheartedly. i love the written word. the feel of the paper as my fingers turn the pages. the different qualities of the papers in different books. the artwork. beauty that is tangible. with film, too. however, i can't yet seem to peel myself away from my digital camera... the convenience. the price. mixed feelings on that one. however the quality of real film? no comparison. love it. :::

  10. I love printed books - the tactility of the paper, the smell of a book...the illustrations or photographs and how they come to life when you turn a page (I LOVE children's books for this reason)...

    I am a little bit of a book thief - or long-term borrower, I suppose - I borrow and begin so many that my stack of other people's books is towering next to my bed... But between borrowing, used book stores, the library, etc - I think this helps reduce the embodied energy and also builds friendships!


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