25 September 2009

picking onions in my yard

one red onion was ready to pick. jaala helped me pick it and she got to eat a little  of the juicy green end, for all her help. tomorrow is jaala's birthday, happy birthday jaala! the red onion is now sitting on my counter, ready to be sliced. 

there is a special visitor coming to seattle this weekend, who i am meeting tomorrow. should be fun! and on sunday, i'm having an open house for my photo show. i'm very nervous about that.

i'll see you on monday. have a great weekend!


  1. Happy birthday Jaala!

    Are you meeting Brian? If so, fun! Say hello for me.

    Wish I could come to your open house - our weekend is quite full already.

    Have a great weekend. xo

  2. Now I'm curious, who is the special visitor?
    Best of luck with the opening!

  3. oh sounds exiting with your open house! congratulations! and have a great weekend!

  4. oh, i hope it went well. but i'm sure it did :)

    the red onion looks ymmy!

  5. I feel so guilty i haven't been apart of this world! I love it. Reading your blog is like sitting and drinking coffee with you. Those photos are amazing! You inspire me.


thanks for your comment! i appreciate hearing from you.