04 January 2010

1. brian ferry

 (photos courtesy of brian w. ferry)

brian ferry has a wonderful energy, an exceptional eye and really, really good taste. he blogs at the blue hour where he shares insightful and inspiring thoughts along with new pictures and new adventures. brian recently moved from brooklyn to london and i was fortunate enough to meet him in september, before his big move. both in person and in his photography, brian's love of life is evident. thanks for sharing, brian!

what are you looking forward to, both personally and creatively, in the coming year?

"personally, i'm looking forward to having lots of new experiences in 2010 - both in london and while traveling throughout europe.  but i'm also hoping to settle in to my new flat in london, and i look forward to carving out a place for myself in this new city.

and creatively, i'm hoping for a challenge.  i don't know what form that will take yet, but i want to shake things up with my photography.  a few new projects, perhaps a collaboration.  we'll see...."

more brian: blog, flickr, portfolio.


  1. I love Brian's photography and am excited at the prospect of seeing who and what he collaborates on!

    Thanks for sharing this!

  2. i love brian's work also. i have really been enjoying his photos of london!

  3. awesome, i just found his blog last month and have really been enjoying his photography.. especially the new stuff from london

  4. I'm looking forward to graduating and starting my PhD, and all my projects I want to start or continue. Btw I also like Brian's work :)

  5. i've been following brian's blue hour for quite a while and particularly love his eye for darker colours and muted light. he creates such an amazing atmosphere with his photography. definitely will be following what's happing in 2010!


thanks for your comment! i appreciate hearing from you.