25 February 2011

low light in new york


hi there, world. it's been a few weeks, hasn't it? i have no excuse. i've tried to push myself to post more frequently here, i've developed rolls and rolls of film, i'm still pretty convinced i don't want to give this space up...but i can't bring myself to post here. please bear with me.

on our visit to brooklyn/manhattan, we wandered the beautiful new york public library at 42nd st, sitting for quite a while in the rose room. we also, as you can see above, had some great pizza.


  1. I am with you on the iffy feelings on blogging lately, but if it makes you feel any better I like seeing your pictures :)

  2. glad you posted, though. love the second and last photo...

  3. Oh Anna! These are wonderful moments. So glad to see you here and no worries if it's every so often we see your lovely posts. It's worth the wait.

  4. i want to eat 10,000 pieces of that pizza

  5. I'm with graham. lovely photos :)

  6. great images...have missed your posts but certainly understand! dayle

  7. I totally understand that feeling. Blogging ebbs and flows.

  8. I've missed your posts! I hope you decide to continue with your blog, cuz I love seeing your photographs! But like everyone else has been saying, I totally get that feeling of not wanting to blog. With that being said, I love this collection of photos! Great post!

  9. I really wish you'd make some postcards of your photos, the mood and feel of them all is intoxicating and I'd love to be able to hold them in my hands.

  10. Please don´t give up! I enjoy your posts and pics so very very much, I´m having a fluey monday in the office and this has been the highlight of my day.

  11. You really caught the atmosphere of the NYPL, imho : ) your cousin, Emily

  12. beautiful beautiful street shot..

  13. that pizza looks fantastic

  14. Rose Main reading Room, one of my favorite rooms ever.


thanks for your comment! i appreciate hearing from you.