19 November 2010

there is a space

art and history combine! the old INS building in south seattle has been converted into artists studios and one weekend, inscape arts set up installations throughout the building. i have to say, it was a little creepy to walk into the old hospital ward and the detainee sections. but i'm really excited about how the building is being put to use. and some of those installations just blew me away. so much energy.


  1. Oh I love it. I'd actually just like to move in.

  2. You find the best spots and things to do. Thank you for sharing this. I hope all is well for you. Happy Thanksgiving, Anna.

    p.s. I miss you too!

  3. Someone was just telling me about this the other day so I'm glad you posted about it! I think I better check it out soon : )

  4. brilliant! love old buildings full stop!


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